This NPRR incorporates relevant language from the following PRRs that were approved by the Board between April 2004 and February 2006: PRR468, Frequency Response Requirements and Monitoring; PRR487, Black Start Resources; PRR490, LaaR Annual Testing Description; PRR535, Reactive Testing; PRR542, Clarifying the LaaR Three-Hour Limit; PRR628, ERCOT Operation Performance “ Non-Spinning Reserve Service Deployments; and PRR644, Ancillary Service Re-qualification.
This NPRR also incorporates TPTF determinations regarding ERCOT Staff clarification questions as discussed by TPTF and documented in the ERCOT Clarification Matrix for Section 8 on and discussed at the TPTF meeting on 1/9/06.
To incorporate into the Draft Nodal Protocols provisions approved by the Board for the Zonal market and determined by the ERCOT stakeholders to be relevant to the Nodal market.