
Title Black Start Testing Requirements
Next Group
Next Step
Status Approved on 12/12/2006
Effective Dates

or per the Nodal Protocol Transition Plan http://www.ercot.com/mktrules/protocols (01/01/07 Nodal Protocols Library)


Date Gov Body Action Taken Next Steps
06/28/2007 TAC
06/12/2007 PRS Recommended for Approval TAC review of Baseline 1 Group 1 Impact Analysis
12/12/2006 BOARD Approved Upon Texas Nodal market implementation
12/01/2006 TAC Recommended for Approval
11/16/2006 PRS Recommended for Approval

Voting Record

Date Gov Body Motion Result
06/28/2007 TAC No Action.
06/12/2007 PRS To endorse the B1G1 IAs and forward the documents to TAC. Passed
12/12/2006 BOARD Approve NPRR019 as recommended by TAC. Passed
12/01/2006 TAC Recommend approval of NPRR019 as recommended by PRS. Passed
11/16/2006 PRS Recommend approval of NPRR019 with ERCOT’s comments. Passed


Status: Approved
Date Posted: Aug 23, 2006
Sponsor: Black Start Task Force
Urgent: No
Description: Specifies the requirements for starting the next start Resource; Specifies which tests are allowed to be run simultaneously.
Reason: ERCOT's practice of conducting next start Resource tests when new next start Resources are selected is not documented. Also, the Protocols are unclear as to which tests may be conducted simultaneously.

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