
Title Clarifications for HSL Values for WGRs and WGR Values to be Used in the RUC Capacity Short Calculation
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Status Approved on 07/17/2007
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or per the Nodal Protocol Transition Plan http://www.ercot.com/mktrules/protocols (08/01/07 Nodal Protocols Library)


Date Gov Body Action Taken Next Steps
07/17/2007 BOARD Approved
06/28/2007 TAC Recommended for Approval Board consideration of this NPRR and its IA
06/12/2007 PRS Recommended for Approval Review of NPRR and its B1G1 Impact Analysis
03/22/2007 PRS Deferred/Tabled

Voting Record

Date Gov Body Motion Result
07/17/2007 BOARD On 7/17/07, the Board approved NPRR050 as recommended by TAC. Passed
06/28/2007 TAC To recommend approval of this NPRR and its IA as recommended by PRS. Passed
06/12/2007 PRS To recommend approval of B1G1 Impact Analysis Passed
03/22/2007 PRS On 03/22/07, PRS unanimously voted to table NPRR050 until next PRS meeting. All Market Segments were present for the vote. Passed


Status: Approved
Date Posted: Mar 12, 2007
Sponsor: Trip Doggett on behalf of TPTF
Urgent: No
Sections: 4.2.2,
Description: The proposed clarifications: 1) Eliminate 4.2.2(6) because of inconsistency with Protocol language in 3.9.1(7), Current Operating Plan (COP) Criteria ("A QSE representing a Wind-Powered Generation Resource (WGR) must enter an HSL value that is less than or equal to the amount for that Resource from the most recent Wind-Powered Generation Resource Production Potential provided by ERCOT"); 2) Eliminate 4.2.2(7) because the settlement information is described in, Capacity Shortfall Ratio Share; and 3) Revise to clarify how to do the settlements.
Reason: This NPRR will correct an inconsistency in the Protocols and clarify WGRs values to be used in the RUC capacity short calculation.

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