
Title Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) Status
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Status Approved on 03/18/2008
Effective Dates

or per the Nodal Protocol Transition Plan http://www.ercot.com/mktrules/protocols (04/01/08 Nodal Protocols Library)


Date Gov Body Action Taken Next Steps
03/18/2008 BOARD Approved
03/06/2008 TAC Recommended for Approval ERCOT Board consideration of NPRR081
02/14/2008 ROS TAC consideration of NPRR081
11/29/2007 TAC Referred
11/15/2007 PRS Recommended for Approval
09/20/2007 PRS Recommended for Approval PRS review of the Recommendation Report and Impact Analysis

Voting Record

Date Gov Body Motion Result
03/18/2008 BOARD Approve as recommended by TAC. Passed
03/06/2008 TAC To recommend approval as revised by ROS comments. Passed
02/14/2008 ROS To submit comments recommending revised language. Passed
11/29/2007 TAC To refer NPRR081 to ROS pending deliverables from the Power System Stabilizer (PSS) Task Force. Passed
11/15/2007 PRS To forward the Recommendation Report and IA to TAC. Passed
09/20/2007 PRS To recommend approval of NPRR081 as revised by TPTF and PRS. Passed


Status: Approved
Date Posted: Aug 31, 2007
Sponsor: ERCOT Staff
Urgent: No
Sections: 3.15.3, QSE Responsibilities Related to Voltage Support
Description: This NPRR adds a requirement for telemetry of Generation Resource AVR status to comply with North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) Reliability Standards.
Reason: NERC Reliability Standard VAR-001-1, Requirements R4, R6 and R6.1 require the Transmission Operator to know the status of all transmission Reactive Power resources, including the status of AVRs on generators. In addition, NERC Reliability Standard VAR-002-1, to become effective 8/2/07, requires the Generator Operator to "…operate each generator connected to the interconnected transmission system in the automatic voltage control mode (automatic voltage regulator in service and controlling voltage)…" The requirement does not state that telemetry must be installed in order to be in compliance with this standard. However, installing telemetry which can be archived for historical and auditing purposes, provides a better tracking means than using ERCOT and participant logs. During the PRS discussion of PRR732, Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) Status -- Compliance with NERC Reliability Standards PRS agreed that telemetry would facilitate compliance with NERC requirements and will eliminate any question whether ERCOT has captured all data required by NERC. Market Participants and ERCOT agreed that Market Participants should be given sufficient time to install the telemetry technology and such a transition period will extend to the start of the Texas Nodal Market. Therefore, this issue should be addressed in the Nodal Protocols. This NPRR addresses this issue. Facilitates compliance to NERC Reliability Standards

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