
Title Nodal Emergency Interruptible Load Service (EILS)
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Status Approved on 07/15/2008
Effective Dates

or per the Nodal Protocol Transition Plan http://www.ercot.com/mktrules/protocols (08/01/08 Nodal Protocols Library)


Date Gov Body Action Taken Next Steps
06/19/2008 PRS Recommended for Approval Consideration of NPRR107 by TAC.
07/15/2008 BOARD Approved
06/26/2008 TAC Recommended for Approval ERCOT Board consideration.
05/22/2008 PRS Recommended for Approval Review of Impact Analysis and Recommendation Report.
03/20/2008 PRS Referred Review of NPRR107 by TPTF

Voting Record

Date Gov Body Motion Result
06/19/2008 PRS To recommend approval of NPRR107 as revised by ERCOT Staff 061808 comments, endorse the Impact Analysis and Recommendation Report, and forward the documents to TAC. Passed
07/15/2008 BOARD Approve NPRR107 as recommended by TAC. Passed
06/26/2008 TAC To recommend approval of NPRR107 as recommended by PRS. Passed
05/22/2008 PRS To recommend approval of NPRR107 as revised by TPTF comments. The motion passed with one opposing vote from the Independent Power Marketer (IPM) Market Segment and four abstentions from the Municipally Owned Utility (MOU), Investor Owned Utility (IOU), Independent Generator (IG), IPM, and Independent Retail Electric Provider (IREP) Market Segments. All Market Segments were present for the vote. Passed
03/20/2008 PRS To refer NPRR107 to TPTF for review. Passed


Status: Approved
Date Posted: Feb 29, 2008
Sponsor: ERCOT Staff
Urgent: No
Sections: Section 2, Definitions and Acronyms; Section 3.14, Contracts for Reliability Resources; Section 3.14.3, Emergency Interruptible Load Service (EILS) (New); Section, Deployment of Emergency Interruptible Load Service (EILS) (New); Section 6.5.9, Emergency Operations; Section, Emergency Electric Curtailment Plan Section;, Emergency Interruptible Load Service (EILS) (New); Section 6.6.11, Emergency Interruptible Load Service (EILS) Settlement (New); Section 8.1.3, Emergency Interruptible Load Service (EILS) Performance Criteria and Testing Requirements (New); Section 9.14.5, Resettlement of Emergency Interruptible Load Service (New); (subsequent subsections in Section 9.14 renumbered); Section 16.13, Registration of Emergency Interruptible Load Service (EILS) Resources (New); Section 22 -- Attachment 22K, Standard Form Emergency Interruptible Load Service Agreement (Reformatted)
Description: This NPRR modifies the ERCOT Nodal Protocols to transition the EILS to the Nodal market. EILS is deployed during an Emergency Electric Curtailment Plan (EECP), after all available Generation and Loads acting as Resources (LaaRs) have been deployed. This NPRR makes no material changes to EILS as it currently is defined in the Zonal Protocols. In various cases, certain language has been modified slightly to enhance clarity.
Reason: EILS is required by PUC Subst. R. 25.507, Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) Emergency Interruptible Load Service (EILS).

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