

Title Limitations on Resettlement Timeline and Default Uplift Exposure Adjustments
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Status Approved on 02/01/2024
Effective Dates

Sections 9.2.5 and 9.2.6


Date Gov Body Action Taken Next Steps
02/01/2024 PUCT Approved
12/19/2023 BOARD Recommended for Approval PUCT for consideration
12/04/2023 TAC Recommended for Approval Board for consideration
11/09/2023 PRS Recommended for Approval TAC for consideration
10/12/2023 PRS Recommended for Approval PRS for Impact Analysis consideration

Voting Record

Date Gov Body Motion Result
02/01/2024 PUCT To approve NPRR1201 and accompanying ERCOT Market Impact Statement as presented in Project No. 54445, Review of Protocols Adopted by the Independent Organization Passed
12/19/2023 BOARD To recommend approval of NPRR1201 as recommended by TAC in the 12/4/23 TAC Report Passed
12/04/2023 TAC To recommend approval of NPRR1201 as recommended by PRS in the 11/9/23 PRS Report Passed
11/09/2023 PRS To endorse and forward to TAC the 10/12/23 PRS Report and 9/20/23 Impact Analysis for NPRR1201 with a proposed effective date of the first of the month following PUCT approval for Sections 9.2.5 and 9.5.6 and upon system implementation for Section 9.19.1 with a recommended priority of 2024 and rank of 4080 Passed
10/12/2023 PRS To recommend approval of NPRR1201 as submitted Passed


Status: Approved
Date Posted: Sep 20, 2023
Sponsor: ERCOT
Urgent: No
Sections: 9.2.5, 9.5.6, and 9.19.1
Description: This Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR) reduces exposures for both ERCOT and Market Participants for resettlements and Default Uplift Invoices for historical Operating Days. This NPRR limits timeline for resettlement due to errors that are discovered, and a Market Notice of the error is provided to Market Participants, within one year after the Operating Day. This limit does not apply to resettlement due to an Alternative Dispute Resolution, a Procedure for Return of Settlement Funds, or a resettlement directed by the Board of Directors to address unusual circumstances; and adjusts the Maximum MWh Activity formula in Section 9.19.1 to only consider Congestion Revenue Rights (CRRs) owned during the Operating Days of the reference month, and to not consider CRRs that may have been bought or sold for the month, but are no longer owned on the given Operating Days of the reference month.
Reason: Market efficiencies or enhancements

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