
Title Clarify Capacity Obligations of Energy Trades (formerly "Modify RUC Capacity Short Charge to Use Final Energy Trades")
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Status Approved on 05/18/2010
Effective Dates

or per the Nodal Protocol Transition Plan http://www.ercot.com/mktrules/protocols (06/01/10 Nodal Protocols Library)


Date Gov Body Action Taken Next Steps
04/22/2010 PRS Recommended for Approval TAC consideration of NPRR211
02/18/2010 PRS Referred PRS language consideration
05/06/2010 TAC Recommended for Approval ERCOT Board consideration of NPRR211
05/18/2010 BOARD Approved
03/25/2010 PRS Recommended for Approval PRS Impact Analysis review

Voting Record

Date Gov Body Motion Result
04/22/2010 PRS To endorse and forward the 3/25/10 PRS Report as revised by PRS and Impact Analysis for NPRR211 to TAC. Passed
02/18/2010 PRS To refer NPRR211 to WMS. Passed
05/06/2010 TAC To recommend approval of NPRR211 as recommended by PRS in the 4/22/10 PRS Report. Passed
05/18/2010 BOARD To approve NPRR211 as recommended by TAC in the 5/6/10 TAC Report. Passed
03/25/2010 PRS To recommended approval of NPRR211 as amended by the 3/25/10 WMS comments. Passed


Status: Approved
Date Posted: Feb 11, 2010
Sponsor: J. Aron & Company
Urgent: No
Sections: 2.1, 4.4.2, 5.4,
Description: This Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR) specifies that Energy Trades representing firm physical products that are entered and confirmed through ERCOT must be submitted by 1430 in the Day-Ahead for the Operating Day, and that Energy Trades representing firm physical products that are executed during the adjustment period and confirmed through ERCOT must be submitted prior to the next Hourly Reliability Unit Commitment (HRUC) execution. Additional non-substantive administrative revisions, such as correcting acronym usage and formatting, are shown with the author "ERCOT Market Rules."
Reason: The purpose of this NPRR is to consolidate and align the Energy Trade submission deadlines for Reliability Unit Commitment (RUC) Capacity-Short Charge Settlement with the final Energy Trade submission deadline to eliminate conflicting rules and accommodate the bilateral energy market. RUC costs should be allocated to Market Participants based on their economic decisions to be short capacity and not as a consequence of the timing of trade submissions by their trading counterparty to ERCOT.

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