
Title Reduce the Frequency of Unregistered Distributed Generation Reports
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Status Rejected on 07/21/2011


Date Gov Body Action Taken Next Steps
07/21/2011 PRS Rejected

Voting Record

Date Gov Body Motion Result
07/21/2011 PRS To reject NPRR386 Passed


Status: Rejected
Date Posted: Jun 15, 2011
Sponsor: Harika Basaran on behalf of COPS
Urgent: No
Sections: 10.2.2, 16.5,
Description: At the May 10, 2011 COPS meeting, Market Participants expressed interest in reducing the frequency of the unregistered DG reports. Section 16.5 currently requires ERCOT to produce quarterly reports based on the quarterly reports filed by Non-Opt-In Entities (NOIEs). Based on the last report published for Q1 of 2011, the maximum capacity of unregistered DG in any Load Zone is less than 1.4 MW. The amount of man hours spent by ERCOT and Market Participants to collect and report this data will be reduced significantly if the reports are required annually rather than quarterly.
Reason: Reduced hours spent by ERCOT and Market Participants for reporting something that does not change significantly from one quarter to the next.

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