
Title CRR Auction Offer Award Disclosure
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Status Approved on 12/12/2011
Effective Dates


Date Gov Body Action Taken Next Steps
12/12/2011 BOARD Approved
10/06/2011 TAC Recommended for Approval ERCOT Board consideration of NPRR395
09/22/2011 PRS Recommended for Approval TAC consideration of NPRR395
08/18/2011 PRS Recommended for Approval PRS Impact Analysis review

Voting Record

Date Gov Body Motion Result
12/12/2011 BOARD To approve NPRR395 as recommended by TAC in the 10/6/11 TAC Report. Passed
10/06/2011 TAC To recommend approval of NPRR395 as recommended by TAC in the 9/22/11 PRS Report. Passed
09/22/2011 PRS To endorse and forward the 8/18/11 PRS Report as amended by the 9/22/11 DC Energy comments and Impact Analysis for NPRR395 to TAC with a recommended priority of High and rank of 19.5. Passed
08/18/2011 PRS To recommend approval of NPRR395 as amended by the 8/12/11 WMS comments. Passed


Status: Approved
Date Posted: Jul 15, 2011
Sponsor: DC Energy
Urgent: No
Description: This Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR) adds a requirement for ERCOT to post Congestion Revenue Right (CRR) Auction offer awards following each CRR Auction in the exact fashion CRR Auction bid awards are currently posted on the Market Information System (MIS) Public Area.
Reason: CRR Auction offer awards are a significant part of market results now that CRRs owned from multi-month CRR Auctions are being offered into subsequent monthly CRR Auctions.

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