This Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR) removes language that broadly allows Qualified Scheduling Entities (QSEs) to self-commit between the time RUC executes and the time that the QSE receives the RUC instruction, but does not speak to the Settlement treatment and can result in conflicting commitment information. This NPRR clarifies the timing by which a QSE may self-commit a Generation Resource, specifically the timing of the self-commitment required in order for the Generation Resource to be considered self-committed by a RUC process and in Settlement of that same RUC process.
Since Nodal Market implementation, there have been instances when the QSE self-commits between the time RUC executes and the QSE receives the RUC instructions based on a valid Current Operating Plan (COP) submittal showing the unit OFF and available. However, this practice impacts the integrity and validity of the RUC study and resulting solutions needed to address system security, since late self-commitments are not appropriately included in the RUC study. This NPRR removes the potential for conflicting RUC and QSE commitment and provides clarity to the Settlement treatment.