This Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR) removes the grey box language associated with NPRR241, Aggregate Incremental Liability (AIL) Calculation and Credit Reports Publish Corrections.
When NPRR241 was developed, the market desired to obtain credit monitoring and management related reports via PDF and XML. However, ERCOT could not produce the report in the XML format prior to Nodal go-live. Therefore, the Protocols were revised, and the reports are currently published in PDF and XLS formats. On 6/21/12, PRS discussed the current available funding for ERCOT projects, the projected cost to implement the reports in an XML format and the fact that the market has built systems and/or processes to utilize the reports in the current formats. Based upon the PRS discussion, ERCOT submits this NPRR to remove the grey-boxed language related to the new format.