
Title Add Fast Responding Regulation Service as a Subset of Regulation Service
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Status Approved on 02/11/2014
Effective Dates


Date Gov Body Action Taken Next Steps
02/11/2014 BOARD Approved
01/28/2014 TAC Recommended for Approval ERCOT Board consideration of NPRR581
01/16/2014 PRS Recommended for Approval TAC consideration of NPRR581
12/19/2013 PRS Recommended for Approval PRS Impact Analysis review
11/21/2013 PRS Deferred/Tabled PRS language consideration

Voting Record

Date Gov Body Motion Result
02/11/2014 BOARD
01/28/2014 TAC To recommend approval of NPRR581 as recommended by PRS in the 1/16/14 PRS Report. Passed
01/16/2014 PRS To endorse and forward the 12/19/13 PRS Report and Impact Analysis for NPRR581 to TAC with a recommended priority of 2014 and rank of 1090. Passed
12/19/2013 PRS To recommend approval of NPRR581 as amended by the 12/11/13 ERCOT comments and to request that ERCOT present proposed revisions to the relevant Business Practice Manual(s) at the 1/16/13 PRS meeting. Passed
11/21/2013 PRS To table NPRR581 and refer the issue to ROS. Passed


Status: Approved
Date Posted: Nov 6, 2013
Sponsor: ERCOT
Urgent: No
Sections: 2.1, 2.2, 3.16, 3.17.1,,
Description: This Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR) defines "Fast Responding Regulation Service (FRRS)" and specifies that FRRS is a subset of Regulation Service. This NPRR includes the necessary clarifications for the qualification, operation and performance monitoring of Resources providing FRRS, and also specifies a maximum amount of Regulation Service for each hour that can be provided by Resources providing FRRS.
Reason: The 12 month FRRS Pilot Project is currently scheduled to end 2/28/2014, and the implementation of future Ancillary Services as described in the "Future Ancillary Services in ERCOT" concept paper is not likely to be completed for several years. The observations from the pilot project have been positive and this NPRR provides a mechanism for FRRS to continue to be available to ERCOT and a mechanism for Resources capable of providing this service to be able to offer them into the Regulation market until the future Ancillary Service approach outlined in the concept paper is implemented. Since the MW amounts ERCOT procures through the FRRS pilot are in addition to the MW amounts of Regulation Service that ERCOT requires each hour, FRRS has been (and currently is) an additional cost to Load. This NPRR will eliminate this additional cost and could further reduce Regulation Service costs by allowing more Resources the opportunity to compete in the Regulation Service market. Additionally, this NPRR would eliminate several manual Settlement processes associated with the pilot.

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