
Title Inclusion of Incremental Exposure in Mass Transitions to Counter-Parties that are Registered as QSEs and LSEs and Provide POLR Service
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Status Approved on 06/10/2014
Effective Dates


Date Gov Body Action Taken Next Steps
06/10/2014 BOARD Approved
04/24/2014 TAC Recommended for Approval ERCOT Board for consideration
04/10/2014 PRS Recommended for Approval TAC for consideration
03/18/2014 PRS Recommended for Approval PRS for Impact Analysis review

Voting Record

Date Gov Body Motion Result
06/10/2014 BOARD To recommend approval as recommended by TAC in the 4/24/14 Passed
04/24/2014 TAC To recommend approval of NPRR601 as recommended by PRS in the 4/10/14 PRS Report. Passed
04/10/2014 PRS To endorse and forward the 3/18/14 PRS Report and Impact Analysis for NPRR601 to TAC with a recommended priority of 2014 and rank of 1150. Passed
03/18/2014 PRS To recommend approval as submitted Passed


Status: Approved
Date Posted: Mar 3, 2014
Sponsor: ERCOT
Urgent: No
Sections: 16.11.4
Description: This NPRR revises the calculation of credit exposure for Counter-Parties that are registered as Qualified Scheduling Entities (QSEs) and Load Serving Entities (LSEs) and provide Provider of Last Resport (POLR) service as a result of Mass Transition of a defaulting Counrt-Party with Load.
Reason: Enhances market efficiencies

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