This NPRR adds a one-tenth of one Megawatt (MW) minimum quantity for Point-to-Point (PTP) Obligation bids into the Day-Ahead Market (DAM).
ERCOT has observed thousands of zero MW quantity PTP Obligation bids submitted daily, which represent a strain on ERCOT software and systems. This contributed to production issues experienced on February 25, 2014. Since the Protocols explicitly impose minimum bid/offer quantities for DAM Energy Bids and DAM Energy-Only Offers, ERCOT believes it is also appropriate to specify a minimum bid quantity for PTP Obligations. The proposed minimum bid quantity of one-tenth MW is the value of the smallest bid increment that ERCOT’s systems currently accept.
The system change associated with this clarification will exclude zero MW bids from the DAM, which will preserve system resources for transactions that can be awarded.