Thompson & Knight LLP, on behalf of Texas Industrial Energy Consumers (TIEC)
This Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR) addresses proxy Energy Offer Curves generated by ERCOT for a Resource that does not submit an Energy Offer Curve or submits an incomplete Energy Offer Curve. For a Resource without an Energy Offer Curve, a monotonically increasing proxy Energy Offer Curve will be created such that the last point on the curve is extended. For a Resource with an incomplete Energy Offer Curve (typically cogeneration facilities that update their HSL, but not their offer curve), a proxy Energy Offer Curve will be created to extend the offer price from last point on the submitted Energy Offer Curve up to the Resource's HSL.
Addresses current operational issues where proxy offers utilitizing the System Wide Offer Cap (SWCAP) may negatively impact Security Constrained Economic Dispatch (SCED) results.