This Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR) aligns Protocol language with the following North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) Reliability Standards: 1) Attachment 1, Energy Emergency Alerts, of EOP-011-1, Emergency Operations, requires ERCOT, as the Reliability Coordinator, to declare an Energy Emergency Alert (EEA) Level 3 if ERCOT is unable to maintain its Physical Responsive Capability (PRC) above a minimum Contingency Reserve requirement of 1,375 MW. This NPRR adds language to address this standard; and 2) BAL-001-2, Real Power Balancing Control Performance, requires clock-minute average system frequency to not stay below 59.91 Hz for greater than 30 consecutive minutes. This NPRR increases the current EEA Level 3 frequency threshold from 59.80 Hz to 59.91 Hz and modifies EEA Level 2 language to include a timing component of being below 59.91 Hz for 15 consecutive minutes or more. These tiered timing milestones will align progressively more aggressive actions as the 30 consecutive minute requirement is approached to address this standard.