
Title Change Non-Spinning Reserve Service Deployment
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Status Approved on 06/30/2021
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Date Gov Body Action Taken Next Steps
06/30/2021 TAC Approved

Voting Record

Date Gov Body Motion Result
06/30/2021 TAC To approve OBDRR031 as submitted Passed


Status: Approved
Date Posted: Jun 24, 2021
Sponsor: ERCOT
Urgent: No
Sections: Non-Spinning Reserve Service Deployment and Recall Procedure
Description: This Other Binding Document Revision Request (OBDRR) makes two changes to Non-Spinning Reserve (Non-Spin) deployment to enhance Texas grid reliability. First, it changes the calculation for deploying Non-Spin currently based on High Ancillary Service Limit (HASL) less Generation less the forecasted 30-minute load ramp. The calculation is changed such that it includes Intermittent Renewable Resource (IRR) curtailment, which can often be several GW and can thus significantly affect the amount of generation that can be dispatched. It also changes the 30-minute load ramp to be 30-minute net load ramp, a more accurate measure of system generation dispatch need. Second, a new deployment condition is added when Physical Responsive Capability (PRC) is below 3,200 MW and is not expected to recover within 30 minutes. This will allow operators to deploy Non-Spin in advance of a potential Emergency Condition. A corresponding change in the recall of Non-Spin is also made.
Reason: Addresses current operational issues

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