
Title MP Use of DNS or ERCOT Web-Based Front Page for Site Failover
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Status Approved on 05/04/2006
Effective Dates


Date Gov Body Action Taken Next Steps
05/04/2006 TAC Approved
04/13/2006 ROS Recommended for Approval Language/IA review
02/27/2006 OWG Recommended for Approval Language/IA Review

Voting Record

Date Gov Body Motion Result
05/04/2006 TAC Motion to approve as recommended by ROS Passed
04/13/2006 ROS Recommend approval of OGRR176 as recommended by OWG Passed
02/27/2006 OWG


Status: Approved
Date Posted: Oct 24, 2005
Sponsor: ERCOT
Urgent: No
Sections: 1.7.3,,
Description: This OGRR requires a Market Participant possessing a backup site to utilize a WAN (Wide Area Network) Domain Name Service (DNS) server or an ERCOT provided Web-Based DNS service to facilitate the API (Application Program Interface) failover process when moving to or from their backup site.
Reason: The current process requires ERCOT personnel to manually enter changes on the ERCOT API to follow a Market Participant™s API when a Market Participant moves operations between its Primary and Backup sites. The mechanisms proposed in this OGRR will allow Market Participants to change API sites without ERCOT intervention. After a Market Participant failover, the goal is to have API communications established within 15 minutes

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