
Title Administrative Changes for June 2006 Operating Guides
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No updates have been made to this issue.


Status: Approved
Date Posted: May 24, 2006
Sponsor: OGRTF
Urgent: No
Sections: 2.4.1,, 2.5.1,,, 4.2.1, 4.2.2, 4.2.3, 4.5
Description: Administrative change to maintain Operating Guide consistency with Protocols as allowed by Operating Guide Section 1.3 Change Control Process.
Reason: PRR590 (Update Unit Telemetry Requirement) and PRR611 (Reporting of Operation Reserve Capability Under Severe Gas Curtailments) modified Protocol Sections that are referenced in the Operating Guides. This OGRR updates those references. For consistent treatment of Protocol boxes in the Operating Guides, boxes for PRR426 (URC for Uncontrollable Resources) and PRR307 (Controllable Resources) have been added to the effective Protocol language already referenced. PRR451 (Clarification of Ancillary Services Obligation Calculation) was inaccurately associated with a box in the Protocols. This error was corrected in the Protocols in May 2005. This OGRR corrects the box in the Operating Guides. PRR413 (Optimization for the whole operating day in RPRS procurement process) and PRR423 (Dispatch of QFs Below Minimum Generation Levels) were unboxed in October 2005 and therefore changed the references in the Operating Guides. This OGRR updates those references. The PRR543 (Schedules and Emergency Assistance Over CFE-ERCOT DC Ties) references inserted in the April Operating Guides should have been inserted as boxed text but were not. This OGRR places the PRR543 text in boxes where appropriate.

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