
Title Voltage Ride-Through (VRT) Requirement
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Status Approved on 10/02/2008
Effective Dates


Date Gov Body Action Taken Next Steps
11/17/2008 BOARD Approved
10/02/2008 TAC Approved Appeal Consideration at 11/17 Board Meeting
09/11/2008 ROS Recommended for Approval
08/20/2008 OWG Recommended for Approval ROS Review
08/14/2008 ROS Remanded
07/16/2008 OWG Recommended for Approval
06/18/2008 OWG Recommended for Approval OWG Preliminary Impact Analysis Review
05/21/2008 OWG Deferred/Tabled

Voting Record

Date Gov Body Motion Result
11/17/2008 BOARD To grant the appeal of OGRR208 as amended by the 11/07/08 TAC comments and as revised by the ERCOT Board. Passed
10/02/2008 TAC To approve OGRR208 as recommended by ROS Passed
09/11/2008 ROS To recommend approval of OGRR208 as recommended by OWG and as revised by ROS Passed
08/20/2008 OWG Consensus to forward OGRR208 to ROS as amended by the 081908 OGRTF comments and as revised by OWG. Passed
08/14/2008 ROS To remand OGRR208 to OWG as revised by ROS with the directive that "grandfathering" and compliance issues be addressed. Passed
07/16/2008 OWG Consensus to forward the OWG Recommendation Report and the Preliminary Impact Analysis to the ROS for consideration. Passed
06/18/2008 OWG Consensus to recommend approval of OGRR208 as amended by the 061708 OGRTF comments and contingent upon resolution of the issues identified in the 061708 OGRTF comments by ROS. Passed
05/21/2008 OWG Consensus to defer action on OGRR208 as recommended by the OGRTF comments. Passed


Status: Approved
Date Posted: Apr 15, 2008
Sponsor: Walter Reid on behalf of Wind Coalition
Urgent: No
Description: This Operating Guide Revision Request (OGRR) proposes a requirement for VRT capability for all new generating units.
Reason: This OGRR is being proposed for the following reasons: (1) Passing of FERC 661A, Eminent NERC Standard drafting process takes time; (2) Although wind manufacturers are adding VRT capability to new designs, we must proceed before NERC due to large amounts of proposed wind generation next year and next few years in ERCOT that could pose a reliability threat in the event of voltage excursions; and (3) Concern of sudden voltage changes causing tripping of units without VRT capability.

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