
Title Special Protection System Monitoring Requirements
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Status Approved on 07/01/2010


Date Gov Body Action Taken Next Steps
07/01/2010 TAC Approved
06/10/2010 ROS Recommended for Approval TAC Consideration
05/13/2010 ROS Deferred/Tabled ROS Consideration
04/21/2010 OWG Recommended for Approval ROS Consideration
03/17/2010 OWG Recommended for Approval OWG Impact Analysis Review

Voting Record

Date Gov Body Motion Result
07/01/2010 TAC To approve OGRR241 as recommended by ROS in the 6/10/10 ROS Recommendation Report Passed
06/10/2010 ROS To recommend approval of OGRR241 as amended by the 6/9/10 Luminant comments as revised by ROS Passed
05/13/2010 ROS To table OGRR241 for one month Passed
04/21/2010 OWG Consensus to forward the 3/17/10 OWG Recommendation Report and Impact Analysis for OGRR241 to ROS
03/17/2010 OWG Consensus to recommend approval of OGRR241 as submitted


Status: Approved
Date Posted: Mar 17, 2010
Sponsor: ERCOT
Urgent: No
Sections: 7.2.2
Description: This Operating Guide Revision Request (OGRR) requires automated notification of Special Protection System (SPS) status and clarifies SPS arming and reporting requirements.
Reason: ERCOT, as the registered balancing authority and reliability coordinator, must be aware of the status of all SPSs in the ERCOT System, as required by the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) Reliability Standard IRO-005-3, Reliability Coordination -- Current Day Operations. The current language does not include specific SPS status information that needs to be made available to ERCOT.

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