

Title Implementation of IDR Optional Removal Threshold
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Status: Approved
Date Posted: Jan 12, 2005
Sponsor: OPUC
Urgent: Yes
Sections: 18.6.2, 18.6.7
Description: Allow the removal of an IDR meter for settlement under certain conditions when load drops below a minimum threshold. The language to allow a customer to request removal of an IDR meter under certain conditions was approved in PRR479. However, the language was boxed until the report required by Section 18.6.2 was modified to indicate whether a customer was eligible to request removal of the IDR meter. Based on discussions between Market Participants, OPUC, the PUCT and ERCOT staff, the PRR 479 language changes were not intended to require changes to the report specified in 18.6.2. This PRR modifies the language in 18.6.2 so that the report does not need to be modified and the language allowing the customer to request removal of the IDR meter can be unboxed. This PRR modifies the reporting requirement in Section 18.6.2 and unboxes the language that allows the customer to request removal of an IDR meter under such circumstances.

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