This PRR requires reporting on the classification and amounts of ERCOT™s procured Replacement Reserve Service (RPRS), as well as a comparison of actual procurements of RPRS for system capacity to a theoretical amount of RPRS procurement for system capacity
ERCOT implemented the RPRS market engine on 3/21/06 to manage Local and Zonal Congestion, as well as for system insufficiencies. As a result, Market Participants will need to be able to review the types and amounts of ERCOT RPRS procurements in order to improve market transparency and for a better understanding on the timing and need for RPRS. This PRR provides for disclosure of information on each unit receiving an RPRS deployment for Local Congestion, the amount of RPRS deployed (in MW) and intervals in which the deployment was received, and the associated transmission studies performed by ERCOT showing the binding constraint. The disclosure concerning RPRS for Local Congestion requested in this PRR is similar to the Board approved PRR 515 (Disclosure of Local Congestion). In addition, this PRR requires ERCOT to compare its RPRS procurements for system capacity to a theoretical amount of RPRS procurements for system capacity. This comparison will allow Market Participants and ERCOT to assess the accuracy of ERCOT™s day-ahead load forecast and its impact on RPRS deployments and costs