This PRR revises the timing of schedules that ERCOT uses for determining the quantity of under scheduled energy from 1300 to 1600 in the day ahead period. The PRR also revises the timing of the load forecast that ERCOT uses from 1100 to 1600.
Currently, ERCOT will procure RPRS during the lock-out period from 1600 to 1800 in the day-ahead period. However, ERCOT uses QSEs™ schedules submitted at 1300 for determination of RPRS Under scheduling charges. This timing mismatch unnecessarily penalizes QS€™s that have schedule mismatches or insufficient supply at 1300 but who have corrected those problems by 1600. Additionally, this timing mismatch presents an opportunity for gaming, as a QSE can have a generating unit scheduled to be online at 1300 in the day-ahead period and then adjust the schedule between 1300 and 1600 to show the unit offline, thereby not only avoiding under scheduling charges for having insufficient supply at 1300 but also being able to then bid that unit into RPRS.
In Section 4, ERCOT is instructed to procure RPRS at 1800 based on a load forecast generated at 1300. It seems more appropriate that the RPRS procurement be based on the most recent load forecast available.