

Title Adjust SCE Performance Charge Scale Factor
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Status Approved on 11/14/2006


Date Gov Body Action Taken Next Steps
11/14/2006 BOARD Approved
10/06/2006 TAC Recommended for Approval Board consideration
08/17/2006 PRS Recommended for Approval

Voting Record

Date Gov Body Motion Result
11/14/2006 BOARD Approve as recommended by TAC. Passed
10/06/2006 TAC Recommend approval of PRR673 as recommended by PRS. Passed
08/17/2006 PRS Recommend approval as revised by TXU and ERCOT comments, and as revised by PRS consistent with the August 10, 2006 ROS discussion. Passed


Status: Approved
Date Posted: Jul 14, 2006
Sponsor: Frequency Control Task Force
Urgent: No
Sections: SCE Performance Charge
Description: The Scale Factor value in the SCE Performance Charge calculation is currently fixed at 1. This PRR would modify the Scale Factor monthly based on ERCOT™s CPS_1 score. This PRR also sets maximum and minimum values for the Scale Factor
Reason: The Scale Factor is a mechanism placed in the SCE Performance Charge calculation to allow for simple revision of the formula if the performance charge created by PRR 661 is later deemed to be too severe or too lenient. When recommending approval of PRR 661 to the Board, TAC directed WMS to develop a PRR proposing a method to automatically adjust the Scale Factor, other than through repetitive Protocol Revision Requests.

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