

Title MAPE Publication
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Status Withdrawn


Date Gov Body Action Taken Next Steps
02/22/2007 PRS Approved None

Voting Record

Date Gov Body Motion Result
02/22/2007 PRS Grant the Request for Wthdrawal Passed


Status: Withdrawn
Date Posted: Oct 17, 2006
Sponsor: Deutsche Bank
Urgent: No
Sections: 4.2, Scheduling-Related Duties of ERCOT
Description: This PRR would amend current Protocols to include the measure of forecast error (i.e., ERCOT™s Mean Absolute Percent Error, or MAPE). Current protocols require ERCOT to provide a load forecast and the actual load. This PRR would isolate the forecast for the Day Ahead market at 1600 hours and at midnight. Additionally, the PRR would require ERCOT to post and maintain an up-to-date historical series for the monthly average MAPE data. Lastly, this PRR would require ERCOT to segregate the weather forecast error from the overall load forecast error
Reason: Load forecast error is a standard tool used to measure supply/demand forecasts and to enhance market efficiency. Publishing these statistics and maintaining an historical times series of the monthly average MAPE data would provide greater transparency to all market participants.

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