

Title Demand Response Program
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Status Withdrawn on 02/26/2008


Date Gov Body Action Taken Next Steps
02/26/2008 Withdrawn

Voting Record

Date Gov Body Motion Result


Status: Withdrawn
Date Posted: Feb 13, 2008
Sponsor: Jennifer Troutman on behalf of the Demand Response Task Force (DRTF)
Urgent: No
Sections: 2.1, Definitions, 2.2, Acronyms, and 9.6, Settlement Charges
Description: To revise existing Protocol language to provide a short-term solution for the settlement of DR program(s).
Reason: To facilitate the settlement of retail DR programs from May through September of 2008. The program will be open to all Competitive Retailers (CRs) with a limit of 10,000 Electric Service Identifiers (ESI IDs) per participating CR and the total market impact shall be capped at 100 MW. The Demand Response Task Force (DRTF) is not filing a corresponding Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR) at this time anticipating future direction from PUCT Project 34610 (Implementation Project Relating to Advanced Metering) and currently anticipates this solution to sunset in September of 2008. DRTF does expect to make a future filing to support either an extension of this solution or an interim/long-term solution.

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