

Title Wind Generator Forecast Scheduling (formerly "Wind Generator Forecast for Scheduling Metric")
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Status Approved on 09/15/2009
Effective Dates


Date Gov Body Action Taken Next Steps
09/15/2009 BOARD Approved
08/06/2009 TAC Recommended for Approval ERCOT Board consideration of PRR812
07/23/2009 PRS Recommended for Approval TAC consideration of PRR812
07/09/2009 TAC Remanded PRS consideration of PRR812
06/18/2009 PRS Recommended for Approval TAC consideration of PRR812
05/21/2009 PRS Recommended for Approval PRS Impact Analysis review

Voting Record

Date Gov Body Motion Result
09/15/2009 BOARD To approve PRR812 as recommended by TAC in the 8/6/09 TAC Recommendation Report. Passed
08/06/2009 TAC To recommend approval of PRR812 as amended by NEXTera Energy Resources comments and to direct TAC subcommittees to continue to follow this issue. Passed
07/23/2009 PRS To recommend approval of PRR812 as amended by Direct Energy comments and as revised by PRS. Passed
07/09/2009 TAC To remand PRR812 to PRS to work out the issues identified by TAC and to bring back to TAC next month. Passed
06/18/2009 PRS To recommend approval of PRR812 as revised by PRS, with the recommendation to change "shall" to "may" and convey to TAC and the ERCOT Board that WMS and the QSE Managers Working Group (QMWG) recommended the metric with "shall" language, but that the ERCOT CEO has determined Nodal resource impacts with this language; and PRS requests that the ERCOT Board determine the priority of renewable energy metrics versus impacts to Nodal. Passed
05/21/2009 PRS To recommend approval of PRR812 as amended by WMS comments. Passed


Status: Approved
Date Posted: Apr 24, 2009
Sponsor: Wind Coalition
Urgent: No
Sections: 2.1, 2.2, 4.5.1, 4.5.10, 4.5.12 (new)
Description: This Protocol Revision Request (PRR) specifies the process for Wind-powered Generation Resources (WGRs) to update Resource Plans and schedules every hour using the ERCOT provided most likely Short-Term Wind Power Forecast (STWPF) as the standard for accuracy. [Note - It is expected that AWS Truewind will be providing a forecast adjusted for turbine availability as a result of other pending Protocol changes.]
Reason: Accurate Resource Plans and schedules provide ERCOT operations more certainty when deploying balancing and Resource specific Dispatch orders.

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