

Title Revised Resource Category Generic Fuel Costs
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Status Approved on 12/15/2009
Effective Dates


Date Gov Body Action Taken Next Steps
12/15/2009 BOARD Approved
12/03/2009 TAC Recommended for Approval ERCOT Board consideration of PRR839
11/19/2009 PRS PRS consideration of PRR839

Voting Record

Date Gov Body Motion Result
12/15/2009 BOARD To approve PRR839 as recommended by TAC in the 12/3/09 TAC Recommendation Report and as revised by the ERCOT Board. Passed
12/03/2009 TAC To recommend approval of PRR839 as recommended by PRS in the 11/19/09 PRS Recommendation Report. Passed
11/19/2009 PRS To reconsider PRR839. Passed


Status: Approved
Date Posted: Oct 23, 2009
Sponsor: AEP Energy Partners
Urgent: Yes
Description: This Protocol Revision Request (PRR) revises the Resource Category Generic Fuel Cost (RCGFC) for Direct Current (DC) Tie with non-ERCOT Control Area and Block Load Transfer (BLT) Resources to synchronize with the Nodal Protocols and to allow cost recovery for supplying this service.
Reason: During a declared Emergency Condition, ERCOT may order emergency energy imports over the DC Ties and/or BLTs from a non-ERCOT Control Area. Comision Federal de Electricidad (CFE) staff has communicated to both ERCOT and AEP that CFE has lost money several times this past year performing this reliability service for ERCOT. Laws governing CFE require that CFE not lose money on these types of transactions. The addition of verifiable cost recovery will ensure that CFE is not financially harmed for providing this service. This change is necessary so that ERCOT operators can continue to use emergency energy imports over the DC Ties and/or BLTs when system conditions warrant. The changes listed in this PRR are identical to the Nodal Protocol language revisions implemented by NPRR103, Settlement of Power Imported via DC Ties and Block Load Transfer Under a Declared Emergency Condition, which was approved by the ERCOT Board on April 15, 2008.

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