
Title Estimating Meter Readings
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Status Approved on 05/06/2005
Effective Dates


Date Gov Body Action Taken Next Steps
05/06/2005 TAC Approved
04/12/2005 RMS Recommended for Approval
02/08/2005 RMS Remanded

Voting Record

Date Gov Body Motion Result
05/06/2005 TAC TAC voted to approve RMGRR019 as submitted with one abstention from the Municipal segment. All market segments were present. Passed
04/12/2005 RMS On 04/12/05 RMS voted unanimously to recommend approval of RMGRR 019 as revised by TX SET. All market segments were present. Passed
02/08/2005 RMS On 02/08/05 through a roll call vote a motion to approve RMGRR019 failed with 3.67 in favor, 3.83 opposed, and 5 abstentions. All Market segments were present. RMS remanded the RMGRR to TX SET for further discussion. Failed


Status: Approved
Date Posted: Jan 11, 2005
Sponsor: Centerpoint
Urgent: No
Sections: 7.5
Description: The RMGRR creates a new section that contains guidelines for Estimating Meter Readings notifications via-email or spreadsheet to the CR's from the TDSP.
Reason: To identify the Market Process for a TDSP to notify CR's via e-mail or spreadsheet of estimated meter readings as discussed by RMS on 12-16-04.

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