
Title Municipal and Cooperative Disconnect Reconnect Process Guide
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Status Approved on 04/07/2005
Effective Dates


Date Gov Body Action Taken Next Steps
04/07/2005 TAC Approved
03/15/2005 RMS Recommended for Approval

Voting Record

Date Gov Body Motion Result
04/07/2005 TAC On 04/07/05 TAC voted to approve RMGRR 021. TAC voted unanimously to approve RMGRR 021 with the understanding that CRs cannot execute a hard disconnect in Muni/Coop territory with the exception of the retail function of Munis and Coops. All Market segments were present. Passed
03/15/2005 RMS RMS conducted an email vote on 3/15/05. RMS voted via email to recommend approval of RMGRR021 as modified by comments from the DNP task force. There was one opposing vote from the Consumer segment and one abstention from the Generator segment. All segments participated in the vote. Passed


Status: Approved
Date Posted: Mar 7, 2005
Sponsor: DNP
Urgent: Yes
Sections: Muncipals and Cooperatives Section
Description: This RMGRR is a new addition for the Disconnect Reconnect Process for Municipals and Cooperatives.
Reason: New addition, Disconnect Reconnect Process Guide for Municipals and Cooperatives

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