
Title Retail Customer Transition Business Process
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Status Approved on 07/07/2005
Effective Dates


Date Gov Body Action Taken Next Steps
07/07/2005 TAC Approved
06/15/2005 RMS Recommended for Approval

Voting Record

Date Gov Body Motion Result
07/07/2005 TAC On 07/07/05, TAC unanimously voted to approve RMGRR025 as recommended by RMS. All market segments were present. Passed
06/15/2005 RMS On 06/15/2005 RMS voted to recommend approval of RMGRR025 with one abstention by the Consumer segment. All Market segments were present. Passed


Status: Approved
Date Posted: Apr 28, 2005
Sponsor: MCT
Urgent: No
Sections: 11
Description: Under Section 11.0 - Appendix, in the embedded 'Retail Customer Transition Business Process' document, update Section VI, Item A decision text. Delete Item #1 from the list of PUCT Roles and Responsibilities on Page 25.
Reason: RMS Leadership requested change in revision. Previous text required an "order" from the PUCT. Mass Transition clarified that waiting for an "order" from the PUCT would take too long

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