
Title Standard Historical Usage Request
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Status Approved on 10/06/2005
Effective Dates


Date Gov Body Action Taken Next Steps
10/06/2005 TAC Approved
09/14/2005 RMS Recommended for Approval

Voting Record

Date Gov Body Motion Result
10/06/2005 TAC On 10/06/05, TAC voted unanimously to approve RMGRR027 as recommended by RMS. All market segments were present. Passed
09/14/2005 RMS On 09/14/05, RMS voted to recommend approval of RMGRR027 as modified by ERCOT, TXU Energy and RMS comments. There was one opposing vote from the Investor Owned Utility segment and one abstention from the Independent Power Marketer segment. All Market segments were present. Passed


Status: Approved
Date Posted: Jul 20, 2005
Sponsor: Christy Hedrick/R.J. Covington
Urgent: No
Sections: 7.4.1 Instructions for Standard Letter of Authorization
Description: 7.4.1 Instructions for Standard Letter of Authorization This RMGRR allows a customer to designate an LOA to have an unlimited term.
Reason: There are entities in the current retail market that act as long-term advisors, legal counsel, or consultants to customers. These relationships may be indefinite and customers may want an LOA that reflects such a long-term relationship. Furthermore, customers who pay for the services and time of consultants and have already designated an LOA term of œunlimite€? may not want to bear the administrative expense for additional LOAs when their existing LOAs clearly indicate their intention.

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