
Title IDR Optional Removal Process
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Status Approved on 10/06/2005
Effective Dates


Date Gov Body Action Taken Next Steps
10/06/2005 TAC Approved
09/14/2005 RMS Recommended for Approval

Voting Record

Date Gov Body Motion Result
10/06/2005 TAC On 10/06/05, TAC voted unanimously to approve RMGRR028 as recommended by RMS. All market segments were present. Passed
09/14/2005 RMS On 9/14/05, RMS unanimously voted to recommend approval of RMGRR028 as revised by RMS. All Market segments were present. Passed


Status: Approved
Date Posted: Jul 26, 2005
Sponsor: IDR Taskforce
Urgent: No
Sections: Section 7.13.1, IDR Optional Removal Process (new)
Description: This RMGRR was created to clearly identify the roles and responsibilities of each market participant in processing requests for an IDR removal that complies with Protocol Section 18.6.1 Interval Data Recorder (IDR) Installation and Use in Settlement and 18.6.7, IDR Optional Removal Threshold. This RMGRR also adds a new appendix for the IDR Optional Removal Request Form.
Reason: At the April 2005 RMS meeting, an IDR Taskforce was created to develop a Market process to Support PRR479, IDR Optional Removal Threshold. The recommendation of the Taskforce is a new section for inclusion in the Retail Market Guide. In addition to the proposed RMGRR, the Taskforce identified changes to Protocol Sections 18.6.1 and 18.6.7 to clarify the original intent of PRR479 and eliminate any conflicts created within Protocols with the implementation of PRR479.

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