
Title Submission of Distributed Generation Data for Advanced Meters
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Status Approved on 09/02/2010
Effective Dates


Date Gov Body Action Taken Next Steps
09/02/2010 TAC Approved
08/11/2010 RMS Recommended for Approval TAC for consideration.
07/14/2010 RMS Recommended for Approval RMS consider the Recommendation Report and Impact Analysis
05/12/2010 RMS Deferred/Tabled RMS consideration
04/14/2010 RMS Deferred/Tabled RMS consideration

Voting Record

Date Gov Body Motion Result
09/02/2010 TAC To approve RMGRR086 as recommended by RMS in the 8/11/10 RMS Report. Passed
08/11/2010 RMS To endorse and forward the 7/14/10 RMS Recommendation Report and revised Impact Analysis for RMGRR086 to TAC. Passed
07/14/2010 RMS To recommend approval of RMGRR086 as revised by RMS Passed
05/12/2010 RMS To table RMGRR086 until the July 14, 2010 RMS meeting Passed
04/14/2010 RMS To table RMGRR086 Passed


Status: Approved
Date Posted: Mar 18, 2010
Sponsor: Don Tucker on behalf of the NOIE DRG Taskforce
Urgent: No
Sections: 7.14, Out-flow Power from Distributed Renewable Generation Facilities 7.14.1, Primary Requirements for Receiving a Settlement Adjustment for Out-Flow Power 7.14.2, TDSP Communication to ERCOT and the REP of Record Of Technical Information from Distributed Renewable Generation Interconnection Agreements 7.14.3, Metering Required for Measurement and Settlement of Out- flow Power 7.14.4, Transmittal of Out-flow Power Meter Data 7.14.5, ERCOT Processing of meter data for Out-Flow Power
Description: This Retail Market Guide Revision Request (RMGRR) supplements the requirements outlined in Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR) 208, Registration and Settlement of Distributed Generation (DG) Less Than One MW, and describes the submittal of DG for Advanced Meters. This RMGRR also proposes changes to the term "out-flow power" to "out-flow energy".
Reason: Provides market clarity on submission of DG data based on NPRR208.

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