
Title Process Updates for the Request of Historical Usage Data via Smart Meter Texas Web Portal
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Status Withdrawn


Date Gov Body Action Taken Next Steps
08/22/2012 RMS Deferred/Tabled RMS for language consideration.

Voting Record

Date Gov Body Motion Result
08/22/2012 RMS To table RMGRR111. Passed


Status: Withdrawn
Date Posted: Aug 6, 2012
Sponsor: John Hudson and Kathy Scott on behalf of the Advanced Metering Implementation Team (AMIT) Operations Working Group
Urgent: No
Sections: 7.5, 7.5.1, 7.52
Description: This Retail Market Guide Revision Request (RMGRR) updates the process for Customers, Retail Electric Providers (REPs) or third parties requesting a Customer’s 15-minute interval data for an Advanced Metering System (AMS) meter to include future functionality that will be available through the Smart Meter Texas web portal.
Reason: This RMGRR provides the process for obtaining historical usage data for AMS meters upon implementation of this new functionality in the Smart Meter Texas web portal.

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