
Title Modifications to Improve Wind Forecasting
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Status Approved on 06/21/2014
Effective Dates


Date Gov Body Action Taken Next Steps
10/14/2014 BOARD Approved
09/25/2014 TAC Recommended for Approval Board for consideration.
09/11/2014 PRS Recommended for Approval TAC for consideration.
09/04/2014 ROS Recommended for Approval PRS for review of project prioritization.
08/19/2014 RDWG Recommended for Approval ROS for urgent status approval.
07/28/2014 RDWG Deferred/Tabled RDWG for consideration.
06/21/2014 Approved RDWG for consideration

Voting Record

Date Gov Body Motion Result
10/14/2014 BOARD To approve RRGRR003 as recommended by TAC in the 9/25/14 TAC Report. Passed
09/25/2014 TAC To recommend approval of RRGRR003 as recommended by ROS in the 9/4/14 ROS Report. Passed
09/11/2014 PRS To endorse and forward the 9/4/14 ROS Report and the Impact Analysis for RRGRR003 to TAC with a recommended priority of 2015 and rank of 1230. Passed
09/04/2014 ROS To recommend approval of RRGRR003 as recommended by RDWG in the 8/19/14 RDWG Report. Passed
08/19/2014 RDWG RDWG was in consensus to recommend approval of RRGRR003 as amended by the 8/18/14 EDPR comments and revised by RDWG, and to request urgent status. Passed
07/28/2014 RDWG RDWG was in consensus to table RRGRR003. Passed


Status: Approved
Date Posted: Jun 20, 2014
Sponsor: ERCOT
Urgent: Yes
Sections: 2
Description: This Resource Registration Glossary Revision Request (RRGRR) proposes modifications to the Resource Registration Glossary to improve ERCOT wind forecasting during weather related shutdown events. · Add the field for "Maximum Operating Temperature" · Add the field for "Minimum Operating Temperature" · Add a field for "High Wind Speed Cut-Out" in meters per seconds. · Add a field for " High Wind Speed Cut-Out Reset" in meters per seconds · Add a field for "High Wind Speed Cut-Out time" in minutes · Add a field for " High Wind Speed Cut-Out Reset Time" in minutes Eliminate the derating information for wind farms as this would be addressed by capturing the high and low temperature operating limits.
Reason: Addresses current operational issues; Market efficiencies or enhancements

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