

Title MC TDSP Consolidated Billing Option
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Status: Approved
Date Posted: Apr 4, 2002
Sponsor: ERCOT
Description: This SCR would require ERCOT to pass a DTM~649 on an 867_03.
Reason: This change request affects the 867-03 and is specific only to the MC TDSP Consolidated Billing option where the CR calculates the CR charges and forwards to the MC TDSP for presentation on the bill to the customer. The MC TDSP must provide the deadline for receiving CR billing charges on the 867. The CR must know the exact cut-off time for the MC TDSP to receive the CR-calculated charges for display on the current month™s customer bill. For example, if a MC TDSP provided meter readings for the period March 1 through March 31 and the CR charges were due back to the MC TDSP in three business days, the DTM~649 would indicate that the due date may be April 3rd at 5:00 pm. The DTM~649, in effect, announces the closing of the Bill Window. This change control proposes adding a new DTM Segment to the Header of the 867-03. It is critical that the MC TDSP calculate the date since they are the official owner and creator of the 867-03. The bill window is determined calculated by when the TDSP sends the data€“ not by when the CR processes the data. Displaying the DTM~649 on the 867-03 eliminates confusion regarding the close of the Bill Window. This segment is to be used only by the MC TDSPs where customers elect to have one, MC TDSP consolidated bill. This segment will not be used by IOU TDSPS currently in the market. It is requested that the DTM~649 be accepted by ERCOT when the MC TDSP sends their 867-03 data. It is also requested that ERCOT forward the DTM~649 on to the CR in the 867-03.

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