

Title Real Time Interzonal Congestion Monitoring
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Status Approved


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Status: Approved
Date Posted: May 14, 2002
Sponsor: Dynegy Power Marketing, Inc., Reliant Energy Inc.
Description: New screen on the ERCOT Portal with actual real-time flow, flow limits, and MVARs for all ERCOT-monitored Interzonal elements that comprise the four CSCs and their respective CREs. Further, the screen is to be dynamic so as to allow the ERCOT Operators to indicate the specific element(s) (CSC, CRE, or other) to which the ERCOT Operators are currently constraining. The screen should be updated as often as necessary to provide market participants with relevant data regarding lack of, imminent or actual Interzonal congestion. The data could presumably be culled from the œReal-Time Transmission Constraints Limits Scree€? currently used by ERCOT Operators. All CSCs and their related CREs should be constantly displayed on the new screen, with the element to which ERCOT is constraining identified by a different color. No local congestion data is to be communicated to market participants via the proposed screen.
Reason: On occasion, ERCOT Operators have been constraining to a limit other than what is posted for the CSCs on the ERCOT Portal. Consequently, market participants have based trading / operating decisions based on irrelevant data, the results of which have been to exacerbate existing congestion, rather than relieving congestion.

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