

Title Estimated Meter Read Data
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Status: Approved
Date Posted: Aug 2, 2004
Sponsor: TXU Electric Delivery
Description: Create a calendar month, summary report to be presented at RMS that will provide Market Participants with estimated meter reading information broken-down by TDSP territory and indicating customer class. This report will also indicate the degree to which meter reads occur consecutively across two or more months and the degree to which estimates may straddle Move-Ins and Move-In/Forced Outs. This report will be run on the first day of each month and will include the following summary level detail: TDSP Duns Premise Type (Residential, Small Non-Residential) Load Profile Number of Consecutive Months “ Interval of 3 or more and 6 or more months By Business Process Type (All MVIs and MVI/Forced Outs) Count Total per Business Process Type Summarized Total for All Italicized items above are secondary requirements and could be removed if too costly.
Reason: In its Resolution to RMS, TITF requested that NIDR estimated meter read data be provided to the market in order to monitor the number of estimates being submitted on a market-wide basis. After RMS this approved this resolution, the MMWG was asked to evaluate options for capturing information and, as a result, is recommending the creation of this new report.

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