

Title QSE Dispute Extract
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Status: Approved
Date Posted: May 2, 2005
Sponsor: TXU Energy
Description: QSE Dispute Extract: Dispute ID Trade Date Statement ID (Stmt ID 1 “ 12) Transaction Date & Time Stamp (Published Date of Extract) QSE Name QSE Contact Name QSE Submission Date (Transaction Date, Time Stamp) Dispute Status (Not Started, Open, Closed, Withdrawn, Rejected) Dispute Status Assignment Date Dispute Resolution (Granted, Granted w/ Exceptions, Denied) Dispute Resolution Assignment Date Dispute Type Dispute Sub Type Dispute Charge Type Start Interval End Interval Dispute Amount Resolution Amount Short Description Long Description Attachment Submitted (Y/N) ERCOT Resolution Comment
Reason: To allow QSE™s the ability to monitor the status of their settlement disputes through a daily extract system. This process will allow QS€™s to automate the tracking of disputes in their home systems and manage the dispute process in a more efficient manner. Knowing when a dispute resolution has been assigned would allow Market Participants the ability to determine whether or not to proceed to Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) as described in Section 20.

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