

Title ERCOT.com Website Enhancements
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Status Approved on 02/16/2010


Date Gov Body Action Taken Next Steps
02/16/2010 BOARD Approved Parking Deck - Impact Analysis and budget review
01/06/2010 TAC Recommended for Approval BOD consideration
12/17/2009 PRS Recommended for Approval TAC consideration
12/08/2009 COPS Recommended for Approval PRS consideration
06/09/2009 COPS Deferred/Tabled COPS consideration
05/12/2009 COPS Deferred/Tabled COPS consider the Recommendation Report, Impact Analysis, CBA and CEO Revision Request Review
04/14/2009 COPS Recommended for Approval Consider the Impact Analysis and Recommendation Report

Voting Record

Date Gov Body Motion Result
02/16/2010 BOARD To approve SCR755 as recommended by TAC in the 1/6/10 TAC Report. Passed
01/06/2010 TAC To recommend approval of SCR755 as recommended by PRS in the 12/17/09 PRS Recommendation Report. Passed
12/17/2009 PRS To recommend a priority of Medium and to endorse and forward the 12/8/09 COPS Recommendation Report for SCR755 to TAC. Passed
12/08/2009 COPS To endorse and forward the 4/14/09 COPS Recommendation Report for SCR755 to TAC with a recommended priority of Medium and rank of 3. Passed
06/09/2009 COPS To table SCR755 Passed
05/12/2009 COPS To table SCR755 for one month. Passed
04/14/2009 COPS To recommend approval of SCR755 as amended by RMS comments. Passed


Status: Approved
Date Posted: Feb 25, 2009
Sponsor: CCWG
Urgent: No
Description: This System Change Request (SCR) requests for ERCOT to apply needed improvements to the ERCOT website identified as a result of ERCOT’s request to the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) and other Subcommittees to help identify desired improvements to the ERCOT website.
Reason: The ERCOT website is the primary interface for Market Participants to locate, research, and download information about ERCOT and the market. Making this interface an informative and user friendly resource aids Market Participants in their ability to locate information and ERCOT in its ability to serve the market.

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