To endorse and forward the 5/11/11 WMS Report, Impact Analysis and Cost Benefit Analysis for SCR761 to TAC and to recommend a priority of High and a rank of 12.78.
This System Change Request (SCR) requires ERCOT to:
Provide Application Programmatic Interface (API) notification of all republished corrected prices; and
Always publish all price corrections in Extensible Markup Language (XML) format using the same XML Schema Definition (XSD) that it is using for the regular price publication.
Presently all price change notifications are through e-mail, which is difficult and time-consuming for Market Participants to manage. Presently, when a price correction e-mail arrives, a Market Participant has to go back to the Market Information System (MIS), manually retrieve the price corrections and manually upload them in the Market Participant’s systems. This is a time consuming task and requires constant monitoring of the ERCOT e-mails.