Electronic Mail (EM) Communication Number Qualifier needed on 814_03
Next Step:
Nueces is the only MP using this information, therefore we would need their comments as to which way is the best solution – Kathy Scott will contact Frank Wilson for their input on this issue and to determine best resolution going forward.
Nueces is the only MP using this information, therefore we would need their comments as to which way is the best solution – Kathy Scott will contact Frank Wilson for their input on this issue and to determine best resolution going forward.
NECRD and NEC both agree that the email address in the 814_24 does not add any value. We would suggest that the email address be removed from the 814_24, rather than having it added to the 814_03. It seems that this option would be less work/coding for the market. TX SET approved the issue and requested that a change control should be written to remove the EM Communicaton Number Qualifier from the 814_24.
Date Posted:
814_24, 814_03
TX SET guide for 814_24 allows a Communication Number Qualifier of EM for Electronic Mail. This allows the submitter of the 814_24 to specify an email address as the contact type. The 814_03 does not allow this contact type. When ERCOT receives an 814_24 with an email address contact type on an ESI ID with a CSA agreement, ERCOT tries to create an 814_03 with the values provided on the 814_24. Since the email contact type is not valid on an 814_03, these 814_03s are failing ERCOT’s outbound validations.
Recommend adding EM as a valid Communication number qualifier on the 814_03.