Change Control is needed to be clear of all TDSPs’ process for PMVIs. Team suggest removal of the following statement "Not all TDSP tariffs support same-day move-ins’ from the implementation guide to prevent Market confusion. Also correct statement "Required when requesting a same-day move in" because segment is required for both Standard and Priority Move-in for all 814_16s. TX SET approved this issue for a change control and Kyle Patrick will draft a change control to bring back to TX SET for approval at next meeting.
Change Control is needed to be clear of all TDSPs’ process for PMVIs. Team suggest removal of the following statement "Not all TDSP tariffs support same-day move-ins’ from the implementation guide to prevent Market confusion. Also correct statement "Required when requesting a same-day move in" because segment is required for both Standard and Priority Move-in for all 814_16s. TX SET approved this issue for a change control and Kyle Patrick will draft a change control to bring back to TX SET for approval at next meeting.
Date Posted:
Reliant Energy
Gray Box language in 814_16 Ref~PH is subject to interpretation, would suggest clarifying language to remove ambiguity. Current language says "Not all TDSP tariffs support same-day move-ins" and later states "Required on all Priority MVIs" this is correct, but a bit confusing would suggest clarifying.
If a CR is not sending the REF~PH on its 814_16 PMVIs, then the TDSP is not receiving the correct transaction. This could lead to inconsistent orders if a CR is using the PMVI spreadsheet and sending a Standard MVI. Need to adjust Gray Box in the REF~PH to add clarity of which TDSPs "Require" and to which TDSPs its "Not Required".