REF~TN needs to specify that special characters are not allowed
Next Step:
TX SET agrees that this should not be occurring and suggests that a Change Control be written to provide Market clarification. Catherine Meiners drafted a Change Control to provide the appropriate clarification of what is acceptable in the REF~TN.
TX SET agrees that this should not be occurring and suggests that a Change Control be written to provide Market clarification. Catherine Meiners drafted a Change Control to provide the appropriate clarification of what is acceptable in the REF~TN.
Date Posted:
867_03Final, 867_04
REF~TN does not specify that special characters are not allowed. But this segment refers back to the BGN06 of the 814_03/814_24. That segment does specify, "Transaction Reference numbers will only contain uppercase letters (A to Z) and digits (0 to 9). Note that punctuation (spaces, dashes, etc.) must be excluded." ERCOT is implementing the same validation on the REF~TN as on the BGN06 since ERCOT's system cannot properly handle transactions with special characters in this field.
867_03Finals/867_04s with a special character in the REF~TN are failing silently in ERCOT’s system. They are not failing mapping, so they are not showing up on the MPs Mapping Status Reject Report. Gray box needs to be updated to clarify that MPs should not be sending special characters in the REF~TN.