Ed completed the Charge Code Matrix • Each TDSP needs to submit a list of new codes they are requesting be added to the list. At the next meeting we will review those requests and assign a charge code. • Reviewed the draft Matrix developed by Ed. Decision was made to separate the 810_02 and the 810_03 into separate tabs in the excel. Johnny will separate these and submit to Kathryn on Monday, June 7th. o We will have a follow-up call to approve any new SAC04 codes
Suggested approach: • Update 810 Guide to include any current charges that need their own Charge Code • Add reference to external matrix that will include any Charge Codes that have been approved since the last guide release o TDU will come to Texas SET to request a new Charge Code and will be assigned the next available code within the appropriate charge type o Charge code will be implemented after a change control process as defined by Texas SET (Texas SET needs to define this process, including submission to Texas SET and Market Call for approval) • Ed will write a change control for review at next month’s meeting
Would there be an impact to CRs if existing codes were used but sent with a different description than currently in the TX SET Guides? Currently when using a code for something different the TDSP will add SAC15 to include the actual description but CNP is asking whether the description can just be changed to indicate what it is being used for -- EX: MSC038 is being used for Ike Recovery -- can the description be changed to Ike Recovery instead of stating that in the SAC15? Changing the description could be used as a short term solution in-between releases until more codes could be added. AEP has concerns that this sets a precedent for making changes outside of change controls and releases. Question was raised as to whether we should explore adding new codes (even outside of a release) because either way changes to incorporate new charges are changes to the systems.
Date Posted:
CenterPoint Energy
CNP request that we add 4-5 new Transition codes (TC), 4-5 new Transition Charge Off Allowances (DSC) since they are related to Transition charges, 4-5 Credit new codes and 2-3 new Storm Recovery Codes into the SAC04 of the 810_02 transaction.
Since there are so many years in between TX SET Releases, however PUCT rulemaking activities are on a more accelerated pace that SAC04 codes do not keep up or even in the race when it comes to what SAC04 code should be used to implement the rule. The TDSPs and the Market are forced to use codes that have nothing to do with the charges, but maybe close, with a SAC15 explanation. This limits reporting, validations, auditing, and budgeting when using the same code for multiple billing activities, especially when you need to read the text to know the how the charge was applied.