Add new reject code of "DUP" for duplication request received by TDSP in the 650_02 in the REF03 of the REF~7G. Also clarifying DC005 "Disconnect due to tampering" is really a "Disconnect for non-payment of charges associated to Tampering".
Add a reject code of "DUP" for duplication request received by TDSP in the 650_02 to allow the TDSP and CR to use this unique code instead of an A13 (Other) code that requires text field to be populated in the REF03 of the REF~7G.
Clarify the DC005 "Disconnect due to tampering" is really a "Disconnect for non-payment of charges associated to Tampering".
Both changes will improve business processes for both CRs and TDSPs and provide clarity in what is expected by TDSPs when the "DC005"Purpose code is received and allows the CRs to automated processes when receiving the "DUP" code instead of manually reviewing the text field for the reject reason A13-Other.