Request for consistency and standardization across all Competitive Retailers that will allow TDSPs to create an automated process that will match the 820_02 Remittance Advice against the 820 Bank Payment.
Next Step:
Texas SET reviewed one additional example to include bank 820s that contain the NTE segment with ZZZ*7897897890000002001322377 as an example of the content. Texas SET agreed to consider the issue closed.
Texas SET reviewed one additional example to include bank 820s that contain the NTE segment with ZZZ*7897897890000002001322377 as an example of the content. Texas SET agreed to consider the issue closed.
Texas SET reached consensus on examples with some changes. The yellow highlighted text will be boxed and bolded; then the yellow highlight will be removed. The examples will be submitted to ERCOT for publication.
Examples to be added to the Implementation Guides without any actual language changes to the Implementation Guides. Texas SET will review with their internal shops and provide any feedback for possible changes at the next Texas SET meeting.
TX SET discussed the issue and agreed that the Implementation Guides were clear without any changes. Examples may be added to clarify the banking transaction requirements. CRs to investigate internally and return to the March meeting with feedback.
Date Posted:
CenterPoint Energy
Request for consistency and standardization across all Competitive Retailers, which includes 3rd Party Vendors operating on behalf of CRs, that will allow TDSPs to create an automated process that will match the 820_02 Remittance Advice against the 820 Bank Payment.
Currently each Competitive Retailer provides different formats in the “Remarks” segment of their 820 Bank Payment, which makes it a challenge for TDSPs to automate the 820 Remittance against the actual 820 Bank Payments received from the CR’s Bank. Today for the majority of the TDSPs payment processing requires manual intervention, but with future system enhancements being considered by some TDSPs include developing plans to move away from this manual workaround.
In order for TDSPs to automate the 820 Remittance Advice against the CRs Bank Payment, TDSPs are requiring that CRs and/or 3rd Party Vendors operating on behalf of CRs follow the 820_02 Remittance Advice exactly as stated in the “N1 Name (Payer)” N104 and “TRN Trace” TRN02 127 Data Elements gray box as shown on the 820_02.
TDSPs would also ask that the same 820 processes be applied to the “CTX” Payment Method to again allow for a more automated solution in which payments can be applied without manual intervention by the TDSP(s). Also, for CTX payments an 820 Remittance Advice could create an auditable record of transaction(s) that transpired between actual 820 Bank Payment and 820 CR Remittance Advice.