
Title: Clean up of grey box language that was added in TX SET 3.0 to the 814_03 and 814_14 that implies that ERCOT will use customer information in these transactions, if it is available to them, during a Mass Transition. Since the market agreed that ERCOT will not use customer information in these transactions during a Mass Transition event, we should remove all grey box language that implies that actual customer information could be used i.e. "in the absence of customer information".
Next Step: Discussed and approved
Status: Implemented


Date Gov Body Action Taken Next Steps
05/22/2008 TXSET Approved Discussed and approved


Status: Implemented
Date Submitted: 04/16/2008
Submitter Name: Rob Bevill
Submitter Company: Green Mountain Energy Co.
Emergency: No
Sections: 814_03, 814_14
Description: Clean up of grey box language that was added in TX SET 3.0 to the 814_03 and 814_14 that implies that ERCOT will use customer information in these transactions, if it is available to them, during a Mass Transition. Since the market agreed that ERCOT will not use customer information in these transactions during a Mass Transition event, we should remove all grey box language that implies that actual customer information could be used i.e. "in the absence of customer information".
Version: 3.0A
Protocol Impact: No

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